Midwest MLA: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, Wisconsin

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee shall communicate the business, news and issues of interest of the chapter to the membership in a timely manner. It shall manage the public communications of the chapter to assure currency and accuracy of information, regularly publish MIDLINE, manage website content and track responsibility for updating information on the website. It shall manage technology related to the website, email lists and other communication tools; created the Annual Conference Website, coordinate photographing and blogging during the conference and store conference photos; and investigate new technologies when appropriate. The committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board on all policies relating to communication. It shall document communications policies and procedures on the chapter website and in other relevant publications. The committee chair shall prepare a report for each Executive Board Meeting and submit appropriate documentation to the chapter Archives.

The Communications Committee shall consist of at least four members appointed to serve a two-year term by the President. The Chair and one member are to be appointed in odd-numbered years. Two members are to be appointed in even-numbered years. One member is responsible for outreach and serves as the MIDLINE editor. One member serves as the webmaster. One member serves as the Annual Committee Liaison.

Current Roster

Chair: Jon Goodell


  • Elizabeth Huggins - Midline Editor
  • Matt Regan - Webmaster

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