Midwest MLA: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, Wisconsin

2022-2025 Strategic Plan

I. Goal: Recruit, train, and retain leaders

Managed by: Immediate Past President and the Executive Board


  • Develop an orientation for new committee chairs to highlight the roles and expectations of chairs. Include training on how to delegate committee duties, how to report problems and how to step down from the role
  • Charge committee chairs with documenting their current duties, tasks, and time commitments. Ensure that the chapter wiki is updated with the information and develop a formal policy on when and how often the wiki should be reviewed
  • Look into changing bylaws to allow overlap between chairs, specifically treasurer and membership
  • Create a mentorship program for new chapter leaders


  • Provide perspective and incoming leaders with clear expectations of their leadership role and how much time and effort the role will entail
  • Create an inclusive, welcoming leadership team
  • Give incoming leaders the training and support to be successful in their role

II. Goal: Build opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and professional development

Managed by: Professional Development Committee


  • Survey members to learn more about their professional development needs and wants
  • Leverage the knowledge and expertise of chapter members to offer training experiences
  • Develop and implement diversity, equity and inclusion programs that were identified in the 2021 IDE Chapter Survey
  • Develop a formal mentoring program within the chapter
  • Create regularly scheduled opportunities for chapter members to network outside of the annual meetings


  • Foster lifelong learning and the development of health science information professionals
  • Provide added value to being a member of the chapter

III. Goal: Reimagine and reinvigorate Annual Meetings

Managed by: Annual Meetings Committee


  • Appoint an ad hoc committee to determine modality and structure of annual meetings moving forward, including frequency of virtual meetings, incorporating virtual components into in-person meetings, determining how often to hold joint meetings, and the logistics of rotating in-person meetings between states
  • Develop a virtual meeting planning guide like the current annual meeting planning guide
  • Work on maintaining long-term relationships with exhibitors and find ways to engage with them in an online format
  • Create an Annual Meetings orientation for new Chapter members


  • Meet the needs of all Chapter members and offer equal opportunity for Annual Meeting participation
  • Provide low-cost and alternative methods for engaging in Annual Meetings and continuing education for those who do not have the resources or capacity to travel
  • Compete with other professional associations that offer virtual meetings
  • Ensure the success of relationships with vendors and members in different meeting environments

IV. Goal: Establish funding structures for Chapter awards and scholarships

Managed by: Fundraising Committee and Awards and Scholarships Committee


  • Work with the Treasurer and Finance Committees to guarantee that donated funds are allocated for Midwest Chapter awards and scholarships
  • Inventory awards and scholarships to meet new and emerging needs of Midwest Chapter members
  • Create a mechanism so that members and allied partners can contribute to the Fundraising committee
  • Reinstate funding for Midwest Chapter awards and scholarships


  • Provide a monetary way to support and reward research and scholarship for Chapter members
  • Ensure the success of the newly created Fundraising Committee

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