The Membership Committee shall promote and maintain membership through recruitment and retention activities. It shall manage the membership exhibit, membership brochure and other membership promotion materials. It shall serve as a conduit between the Medical Library Association (MLA) and members on membership issues. A member of the committee shall be appointed by the chair to serve as a liaison to the MLA Membership Committee. The committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board on all policies relating to membership. It shall document membership policies and procedures on the chapter website and in other relevant publications. The committee chair shall prepare a report for each Executive Board Meeting and submit appropriate documentation to the chapter Archives.
The Membership Committee shall consist of the Membership Secretary*, who serves as Chair, plus at least three members appointed to serve a two-year term by the President for two-year terms. One member is to be appointed in odd-numbered years. Two members are to be appointed in even-numbered years.
Chair: Eileen Severson