The Nominations and Elections Committee shall solicit nominations and conduct election of officers as specified in chapter bylaws Article IV, Section 7. It shall solicit nominations and conduct the election of the Candidate for MLA Nominating Committee as specified in chapter bylaws Article IV, Section 9. The committee chair shall announce the results of all elections at the Annual Business Meeting and in MIDLINE. The committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board on all policies relating to nominations and elections. It shall document nominations and elections policies and procedures on the chapter website and in other relevant publications.The committee chair shall prepare a report for each Executive Board Meeting and submit appropriate documentation to the chapter Archives.
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President, who serves as Chair, plus at least three members appointed to serve a one-year term by the Immediate Past President. The President and President Elect may not serve on the Nominations and Elections Committee.
Chair: Carol Shannon
*Members appointed by Immediate Past President, who chairs the committee.