Midwest MLA: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, Wisconsin

Save the date!

The 2025 Midwest Chapter/MLA Annual Conference will be held Tuesday October 14 through Friday October 17, 2025! This year we are piloting a format that is simultaneously familiar and new.


Conference activities will be primarily virtual, with a full day of virtual continuing education (October 14th) and two full days of virtual conference programming (October 16th-17th) that is accessible to all online.


Attendees are invited to join other conference-goers at one of three official host sites in the region! Official host sites will provide specialized in-person programming for attendees on October 15th, and they will provide food, hospitality, and group viewing of the virtual conference program on October 16th and 17th. 

The official host sites are:

    • University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, Minnesota
    • Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    • Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan

More information to come!

Conference co-chairs:

    • Liz Weinfurter, eweinfur@umn.edu
    • Lisa McGuire, lmcguire@umn.edu

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